5 Years in the Making
Crashlanding for the very first time in the deep webs of the gaming world, it's your girl, DaBatzy! That's right, in the wake of Hurricane Dorian I'm finally cracking out my keyboard to type this message out for you guys, at least, those of you who might bless me with a visit to my newly created blog. Writing about my gaming adventures, reviews, and all sorts of game-oriented content, has been something that I've been wanting to do for about 5 years now; however, due to life, it's always something that had been put on the back burner as it competed with college and work, and well, those two won. I struggled to find time to chase my passions.
I've tried my best to keep gaming relevant in my life which is why I am here typing this all out to whoever might stumble upon this page. I want to share my experiences and my passion for gaming with you all. We have such an amazing community that's filled with so many different types of games that all bring us together. In all honesty, I've met some of my closest friends on video games, even if some of those friendships were formed by the bonds of trolling. There are so many things I want to discuss and share with you and hopefully see what you guys think or feel when it comes to gaming! That's the ultimate reason I'm using this platform to communicate my ideas and thoughts with you. I plan to feature all sorts of content.
For example:
- Walkthroughs
- Guides
- Reviews
- Comparisons
- Gameplay Mechanic breakdowns
- General Adventures
- Hot Topics/Controversial Issues(Lootboxes and money crisis)
- and much more!
These are just some of the possibilities of content I'll be talking about here. I hope one of these just might peak your interests! I'll continue streaming game content and League games as I work on posts, as well. At some point, I hope to start up a video series that relate to my survival-horror genre as I adventure into the different games. I'll have to warn you that I'm a complete scaredy-cat so maybe keep that volume of those videos at a -10.
That pretty much sums up my goals and future of this blog and what you guys can expect from me. I'll be following up this post with a "Hurricane Survival Guide" post featuring things to prepare gamers in the wake of Hurricane Dorian or any other future hurricanes! I hope that as readers you might choose to save this place as your bonfire and come back by for a visit when you're done collecting souls of daily life.
See you in the Digital!
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