Update and Current Shenanigans

Hey guys! It's your girl, DaBatzy, coming back from a well needed and unannounced hiatus. I'll try not to vanish again too soon, don't worry guys. Life ended up getting a little hectic on the opposite of the digital world, so I apologize for the mini vacation. Don't worry, I wasn't kidnapped or anything, so don't go calling Liam Neeson. I mean, call him, because I would totally enjoy him showing up at my house but for Narnia purposes only.

I've actually been up to quite a lot in these past few weeks which I'm here to give you guys a small update. As most of you know, I ended up getting an insane burn on my right wrist/arm at the start of August which prevented me from finishing up my school quarter. I ended up getting accommodations to finish the last project at a later date. WELL... That later date was 4 days ago and as you can see, with my degree in procrastination, I totally forgot. With work and rushing to finish up the painting I could have been working on for two months, I ended up having to focus solely on finishing my last project. For this project, the main objective was to achieve a sense of atmospheric perspective for a "mural design" dedicated to a business or concept for a location. I ended up running with a few ideas as nothing could stick and just as bad as writer's block is, artist block feels 20x worse.

The design I ended up going with was this spooky graveyard since Halloween is right around the corner and the atmospheric perspective flowed nicely with a hilly ghost cemetery. As you can see from my WIP pictures of the initial sketch to the final product, I was mega enjoying this spooktacular theme. One of the fun parts happened to be creating my color palette with the various shades of green. I ended up using Payne's Grey as a main color for the entire painting then added a few green/blue tones to my different sections to achieve that distance from the atmospheric perspective.  I struggled the most with the last two effects, being the Bezold and the Munker's White with the two central gravestones. I felt like they were a tiny bit out of place with the overall dark scenery but they ended up being a cool addition for the painting. I guess my professor did too because this girl ended her summer quarter with all A's.


We've also been working on a new DnD
campaign, so that's another tidbit of exciting news! And when I say we, I mean Belzy, Derrick, and a few other misfits who decided to band together. I'm definitely going to post some videos of those adventures once I get them all up and running. Work has kind of complicated things a bit, but we'll get there. This campaign is actually Belzy's homebrew, based around an old roleplay concept he came up with an old friend way back when he still had hair. We're still working out all the minor details; however, no campaign is ready until you get a rad
character sheet is done and some cool new dice. I might have ended up getting a few dice sets that I might not have fully needed. Just don't tell anyone about my obsession with glitter dice. This campaign I will probably be running something like my usual chaotic neutral characters with a Rogue of some sort, even though I secretly want to be a Death Cleric. Once I get the base of my character, I'll definitely be making a post dedicated to her with more information about the type of crazy shenanigans we will be doing for this campaign.

                                                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME

October is also an exciting month for me as it happens to also be my birthday month. I was pretty heartbroken that my Razer Naga Epic finally died on me after 6 long years of raging on League and WoW, especially only a few days before my birthday which meant I wouldn't be able to decompress and play league. Sounds weird right? Normal people would probably get stressed even more if they play league, but not me, especially after all the double shifts I have been pulling at work. I felt like it was time I treated myself to a little birthday gift and upgrade my mouse to the Naga Trinity. The thing is, when I walked into Best Buy, I kind of... maybe... got a little distracted by a sale for the Switch. I trapped myself. As some of my close friends know, I wasn't really too sure if I wanted to get the Switch for a rather long time. I used to really love Nintendo when I was younger, but I struggled so much to keep the silly pins for the DS system that it just never was worth it, even if Mario Kart is one of my favorite video games of all time. Any Mario, actually. On my Wii, I have such an extensive Mario collection that people would probably think I was crazy and let's be honest guys, Paper Mario? FIRE. That is an amazing game.

I ended up splurging on the Switch, excitedly, and in the process, I've purchased a handful of games. Yes, Dark Souls is one of them. I will be trying to figure out how to stream my excitement of playing on my Switch some time tomorrow as I do a Spyro walkthrough for the first time since I was a wee little tot. I definitely stay tuned as I unpack this exciting new addition to my game collection. There is definitely going to be a lot of time spent on me reviewing the switch since my last console was the Xbox One. I want to give a good comparison of the benefits and cons of each of my systems in the long haul and dedicate some time experimenting.

With all this being said, I want to let you all know of a few things that will be coming to a blog post near you. As I get a little more free time, I've been working on a few post ideas focusing on several things. The first of these posts will feature my Road to Gold as I rushed through Silver with our lovely Miss Fortune. I want to talk about upcoming season changes, how I climbed, and my expectations for next season and pre-season. There will also be a post focusing on Code Vein as I recently added that to my game collection as well. I want to feature a post about the things I'm excited about regarding the game and then a post focusing on my overall review and adventures with Belzy as we play. Keep eyes out on my twitch/youtube for some playthrough videos! Lastly, I will be picking up a dedicated stream schedule/post schedule to focus on my other gaming adventures. DaBatzy is back and here to stay so make sure you keep checking back!

See you in the Digital!

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